Compression Stockings: What Are They, Types And How It Works

Compression stockings are specialised elastic garments applying gentle pressure to improve circulation and reduce leg swelling. Daily use helps with chronic venous insufficiency, blood pooling risks, and discomfort many experience being on their feet all day. In this article, we’ll take a look at understanding when to wear them, how they work, and how understanding potential side effects can help ensure these stockings are used properly. What are Compression Stockings? Compression stockings are a type of elastic hosiery designed to apply adequate pressure at different levels-foot, ankle, leg and thereby assist in return of venous blood back to the heart. The graduated compression design is tighter at the ankles, gradually decreasing up the leg. This gentle squeezing motion helps movement of blood through the veins and reduces discomfort, fatigue and swelling. Compression stockings come in various styles and lengths, providing options for treatment of Varicose veins, De...