Teenage Gynaecomastia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Teenage gynaecomastia is a condition characterised by breast enlargement in adolescent males, usually brought on by the benign proliferation of ducts in the breast glands and stromal components, including fat. It may be caused by hormonal imbalances in oestrogen and testosterone hormones. Gynaecomastia may occur and appear in one or both breasts and sometimes unevenly. It may not cause any serious problems but may cause symptoms of pain in the affected breast(s). It may go away on its own, but if it doesn't, medical or surgical intervention may become essential. What Is Teenage Gynaecomastia? Gynecomastia in teenage males is an enlargement or overdevelopment of the glandular tissues in their breasts. It may occur during infancy, adolescence, and even in middle-age, but it often happens when a preteen or teenage boy is undergoing hormonal changes during puberty. A teenager with gynaecomastia may have enlarged breasts, and may require medical evaluation by healthcare provider...