Have a Family History of Heart Disease? Here's Everything You Need to Know

 If heart-related problems run in your family for generations, you should take the time to collect as much information as possible in connection with the history of heart diseases in your family and share them with your regular physician or a cardiologist to take steps in order to lower your chances of contracting heart diseases.

Why should you be concerned about heart disease?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become the leading cause of death among adults in India. India will be the hub of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases by 2025. It has been emphasized that youths are more prone to getting affected by cardiovascular diseases.

Research has shown that Indians have the highest rate of heart disease, which is also the leading global cause of death among non-communicable diseases. 

The risk of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) increases due to a number of reasons. A family history of heart disease is one of them. This is why it becomes imperative to become aware of the early signs and symptoms of heart disease so that you decide upon ways to avoid or reduce the risk of getting affected by any cardiovascular disease

What are the types of heart diseases?

Heart diseases may show up in a number of ways in adults. You should know about the types of heart diseases and their signs so that you can be well aware of your condition.

  1. Coronary Artery Disease: It is caused by plaque (made of cholesterol deposits and blood clots) buildup in the walls of coronary arteries leading to reduced blood supply to the heart. The symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) include shortness of breath, chest pain, neck and jaw pain or sometimes tiredness.
  2. Arrhythmia: It is defined as the irregular/rapid beating of the heart. It can be harmless if heartbeats are not very fast or there is no fall in blood pressure. Sometimes arrhythmias can cause very rapid heartbeats with a fall in blood pressure which is a medical emergency.
  3. Valvular Heart Disease: Valvular heart disease can involve any of the four valves of the heart. It can be secondary to some bacterial infection (rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis), congenital valvular disease, or related to coronary artery disease (Heart attack). Valvular heart disease can cause either leakage or resistance (stenosis) to the blood flow across the valve.
  4. Hypertensive Heart Disease: It is caused by high/uncontrolled blood pressure. It can cause swelling over the heart causing heart failure.

What should you do to avoid heart disease?

If you have a known history of heart disease in your family, you have to gather information about the type of heart disease your relatives had and the age when they were diagnosed. It is important because it helps your doctor to diagnose any heart disease you can have at the earliest and prevent further complications.

How should you take control of risk factors contributing to heart disease?

While you can't change your family history, you can keep the other modifying risk factors leading to heart disease in check. These factors include:

  • Avoiding Tobacco: Tobacco is a major risk factor for heart disease. So, it is recommended to avoid taking tobacco in any form vaping, chewing, and smoking. 
  • Avoiding Alcohol: It should go without saying that alcohol will cost heavily to your heart if you don't limit its consumption. No matter how prone you are to slip into your drinking habits, you can at least moderate it to two drinks per day and gradually curtail it for the sake of your heart.
  • Eating Healthy: Eating a healthy & balanced diet consisting of veggies, fruits, nuts, and grains will be beneficial for your heart. You can consult your dietician for exact advice about diet.
  • Exercising and Maintaining a Healthy BMI: Exercising for around thirty minutes a day is good for your heart as well as for your mind. Working out five days a week will be enough, but you should watch your weight as obesity is considered one of the leading causes of heart disease worldwide.
  • Keep Blood Pressure and Diabetes in Check: Two of the leading causes of a heart attack are uncontrolled blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Take the medications as prescribed by the doctor and consume a healthy diet. Make a diet plan based on your health condition by consulting a dietitian. These measures will help in maintaining normal glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels.


When dealing with a family history of heart disease, you should get screening tests done regularly apart from checking the above-mentioned boxes. It will help you lead a healthy life and also keep heart disease at bay. 

You should consult your doctor immediately regarding any sign of heart disease that you may experience. 

Website: https://www.carehospitals.com/blog-detail/have-a-family-history-of-heart-disease-heres-everything-you-need-to-know/ 


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