
Showing posts from October, 2023

Which Foods to Eat and Avoid During Your Period

  Ah, the monthly visitor—periods can bring a rollercoaster of emotions and physical discomfort. But fear not, because the key to a smoother ride lies in your kitchen. You cannot wish them away. All you can do is deal with them in the best way possible. In this blog, we'll uncover a secret weapon: the right foods. From soothing cramps to boosting mood, we'll explore a carefully curated list of foods that can make your period days more manageable and even enjoyable. Say goodbye to those dreaded cravings and embrace a happier, healthier menstrual cycle with the power of nutrition. 15 Foods To Eat During Periods Here are 15 foods to consider incorporating into your diet during periods, along with some to avoid: Foods to Eat During Periods: Dark Leafy Greens:  Spinach, Kale, and Swiss chard are rich in iron, which can help combat fatigue and replenish lost blood. Salmon:  Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can reduce inflammation and alleviate menstrual pain. Bananas: ...

How To Cure Tonsillitis?

  Tonsils are two oval-shaped, small, gland-like structures located at the back of the throat that play a crucial role in our immune system. Although widely known for causing discomfort and infections, tonsils have a significant purpose in protecting us from harmful bacteria and viruses. Symptoms of Tonsillitis The most prominent symptom of tonsillitis is swelling or enlargement of the tonsils. There can also be other physical symptoms which may indicate the occurrence of tonsillitis. These symptoms may include the following: Pain in the throat Soreness in the throat Headache and fever Muffled voice Difficulty in swallowing Loss of appetite  Swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck region Yellow coating on the tonsils Redness of the tonsils Pain in the ear Bad breath  Surgical treatment for Tonsills There have been several recent advances in tonsillectomy procedures aimed at improving patient outcomes and reducing complications. Minimal access techniques: Traditional tonsi...

Vaginal Bleeding between Periods

Women experience vaginal bleeding each month during their menstrual cycle from adolescence to menopause. Typically, all women have a menstrual period once a month, occurring approximately every 21 to 35 days and lasting anywhere from 1 to 7 days. Vaginal bleeding that occurs between these regular periods is referred to as 'bleeding between periods.' Metrorrhagia is the medical term for this type of bleeding and is sometimes described as vaginal spotting between periods. Bleeding between periods can resemble a regular menstrual period, be heavier with increased blood loss, or be extremely light (often referred to as 'spotting'). Such bleeding may occur occasionally or persist for several days. This bleeding is not a normal period and it is advisable to consult a doctor. Causes of vaginal bleeding between periods There are several causes of vaginal bleeding between periods, some of which are harmless and in others, it can be a more serious sign. Some of the causes of vag...

How to Reduce Uric Acid: Lower Levels Naturally

Uric acid is a natural waste product of the body's digestive system that contains purines. Purines are certain compounds found in higher levels in some foods. They are broken down in the body, and the kidneys filter out the uric acid. If a person consumes food with a high purine content or if the body is unable to eliminate toxins as quickly as necessary, uric acid may begin to accumulate in the body. The normal amount of uric acid present in the body is under 6.8 mg/dL. An elevated level of uric acid, higher than the standard range (known as hyperuricemia), can lead to a condition known as gout. When gout develops in the body, it can result in increased acid content in the urine and blood, as well as the formation of crystals in the feet, toes, and joints. However, the risk of gout is not solely dependent on diet or lifestyle. There are several risk factors that can contribute to hyperuricemia, including: Obesity Male gender Certain underlying health conditions However, there are ...

Travelling During Pregnancy

Travel by air, sea, road, or rail including international travel is possible in pregnancy. However, if a woman is planning to travel, she should seek medical advice. Pregnant women may not be able to travel if they experience any pregnancy-related complications and at the end of pregnancy. It is recommended that a medical examination be conducted prior to travel to ensure that there is no cause for concern and that the healthcare professional authorizes the woman to travel. Is Travelling Safe in Pregnancy? Traveling while pregnant is completely safe unless the healthcare professional advises otherwise. Try to avoid long flights since sitting for extended periods of time might be uncomfortable. For domestic travel, women are generally not permitted to fly after 36 weeks of pregnancy, and for international travel, the age of consent is between 28 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. The choice of whether or not to travel and the distance to travel, at any point in pregnancy, should be mutually a...