How to Reduce Uric Acid: Lower Levels Naturally

Uric acid is a natural waste product of the body's digestive system that contains purines. Purines are certain compounds found in higher levels in some foods. They are broken down in the body, and the kidneys filter out the uric acid. If a person consumes food with a high purine content or if the body is unable to eliminate toxins as quickly as necessary, uric acid may begin to accumulate in the body. The normal amount of uric acid present in the body is under 6.8 mg/dL. An elevated level of uric acid, higher than the standard range (known as hyperuricemia), can lead to a condition known as gout.

When gout develops in the body, it can result in increased acid content in the urine and blood, as well as the formation of crystals in the feet, toes, and joints. However, the risk of gout is not solely dependent on diet or lifestyle. There are several risk factors that can contribute to hyperuricemia, including:

  • Obesity
  • Male gender
  • Certain underlying health conditions

However, there are various methods when it comes to how to control uric acid levels, which we will discuss in this article. 

How to Reduce Uric Acid levels?

Although high levels of uric acid do not always warrant treatment, making minor changes to diet and lifestyle may be helpful for some people. Here are some possible ways:

  1. Weight management: Obesity has been determined as one of the most prominent contributing factors to elevated uric acid levels in the blood, as it may hinder the efficient functioning of the kidneys. Excess weight can lead to difficulties in filtering out uric acid while also increasing its production. It is recommended to make long-term, sustainable changes to manage weight, which, in turn, can help lower blood uric acid levels and improve overall health. This can be achieved by becoming physically active, adopting a balanced diet, and incorporating nutrient-dense foods into one's diet.
  2. Drinking more water: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, helps keep the kidneys healthy and functioning efficiently; thus, it aids in proper uric acid filtration. Additionally, it also reduces the chances of developing kidney stones due to the crystallization of excessive uric acid.
  3. Limiting/avoiding purine-rich food: Certain types of foods may contain high levels of purine. Even some nutritious foods can have high purine concentrations, so it may not be possible to completely avoid purine, but its intake can be limited. High consumption of meat and seafood has been shown to increase uric acid levels.

Foods to Avoid

Foods with low purine levels (moderate consumption)

  • Red meat
  • Seafood such as sardines, tuna
  • Organ meat such as kidneys & liver
  • Alcohol
  • Whole grain rice and bread
  • Non-soy legumes like beans, lentils & chickpeas

Most fruits and vegetables

Low-fat or fat-free dairy products

  1. Avoiding medications that increase uric acid levels: There are some medications that may elevate the level of uric acid in the blood. Changing doses or taking alternative medicines may help to control uric acid levels. However, this should only be done on the recommendation or after discussion with a qualified healthcare provider.
  2. Avoiding sugary or sweetened beverages: Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar that contributes to a higher level of uric acid after breaking down to release purines. Thus, limiting the amount of sugary foods and beverages consumed can help lower uric acid levels. Replacing sugary foods with other options can help control uric acid levels. The following steps may help reduce sugar cravings:

  • Eating more whole foods
  • Limiting packaged or processed foods
  • Eating fresh fruits to curb sugar cravings

Replacing sugary beverages with water or unsweetened drinks like tea and coffee.

  1. Avoiding alcohol: Alcohol consumption contributes to dehydration and may also trigger elevated uric acid levels. Beer, in particular, contains high amounts of purine and is linked to affecting the rate of uric acid secretion. Limiting or completely avoiding alcohol may help reduce uric acid levels.
  2. Drinking coffee: Coffee consumption has been shown to help break down purines faster while also increasing the body's efficiency in eliminating uric acid. Drinking coffee in moderation may help naturally control uric acid levels.
  3. Vitamin C: Several studies have suggested that consuming vitamin C has a positive effect on reducing uric acid levels. Vitamin C can be obtained directly from supplements or from fruits and vegetables, which provide the best source of this nutrient.
  4. Managing blood sugar level: People with hyperuricemia have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Both diabetes and gout share common risk factors such as obesity, high sugar consumption, and high cholesterol. Therefore, it is important to monitor blood sugar levels if a patient has hyperuricemia.
  5. Managing stress: Recent studies have indicated a potential correlation between stress and high uric acid levels. Daily stress may lead to a higher concentration of uric acid. Therefore, effectively managing stress may help control uric acid levels.

Gout is a painful, inflammatory condition that primarily affects the joints, especially in the feet and toes, due to a high concentration of uric acid. This condition may be caused by various factors and can be effectively managed by making healthy lifestyle changes. However, it's important to receive proper treatment for gout to control uric acid levels and prevent future flare-ups. Any significant lifestyle changes should be discussed with a doctor.

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